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Essential Oil 50ml - Absolute Jazmín

Essential Oil 50ml - Absolute Jazmín

Regular price €781,25 EUR
Regular price Sale price €781,25 EUR
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Latin name: Jasminum OfficinalePart of the flower used: flowerSource: IndiaExtraction method: steam distillationEl Jazmín is a delicate climber, of evergreen hob, native to China and India, with small, white, star-shaped flowers, which are recognized from night, when its fragrance is most powerful. The essential jasmine oil has a sweet, exotic and very floral scent. It's expensive, since its distillation is more elaborate than for the majority of acceptors, and is used to relax deeply, lift depression and increase confidence. If you say that this acceptance calms the nerves and produces a feeling of confidence and optimism, the time that restores energy. Reduce labor time to strengthen contractions and alleviate pain. It is believed to alleviate impotence, frigidity and premature ejaculation due to its calming and calming properties. Helps with laryngitis and laryngitis and is also useful in a massage oil to relieve muscle pain, stiffness and stiff extremities. The essential jasmine oil tones dry skin, greases the sensitive skin, increases elasticity and is said to reduce stretch marks and scars. Jazmin has been considered a sacred flower in India for hundreds of years and has been united to make garlands for dioses and Hindu diosas today. Indian women commonly use jasmine in their hair and are also one of the main flowers in wedding garlands. According to a myth, the sun's gods, Surya, rejected the love of a princess and was so disconsolate that she committed suicide. From its scattered trees in the soil, a jasmine plant grew. As the sun caused so much pain, the jazmine flower bloomed and released its perfume throughout the night.

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