Myths about Reiki

Unfortunately, Reiki is surrounded by myths, mysteries, taboos and this happens because, as energy is something that is not seen, it ends up creating this propensity for myths.

In fact, most of them emerge over the years by the masters themselves, who pass on their raw beliefs to their students, which end up being passed on over time. As a rule, these myths end up being deconstructed as we become more experienced and realize that something really doesn't make sense.

  • You have to do Reiki barefoot to receive the earth's energy more easily - It doesn't interfere, the energy passes through the various materials.
  • You have to change your diet to pass or receive Reiki - No food will interfere with the application of Reiki.
  • You cannot cross your legs or arms because it blocks the energy - If Reiki works at a distance, in which you have to pass several barriers, because in crossed arms or legs it would not work, it makes no sense.
  • You can apply Reiki from head to toe, in this order - There is no sequence to be followed, you can treat the various points in any order you like.
  • You have to apply Reiki to each point for 5 minutes - Each person has different needs, so this time differs from person to person.
  • You can't do Reiki with accessories - It only interferes if they are things that can make noise and interfere with our concentration, otherwise, it doesn't interfere.
  • You cannot do Reiki next to electronic devices - It does not interfere, there are those who do it with the support of guided meditations on the cell phone or on the computer.
  • You can't wear black clothes in a session - It doesn't interfere. It is something that is important in Chromo Therapy (which can be used as a complement), but it does not interfere with the passage of Reiki energy, the use or not of a color is entirely up to the Therapist depending on what he/she feels/likes.
  • You cannot have sex before a Reiki session - Make love as much as you like! It is a healthy practice where there is an exchange of energies but which in no way influences the application of Reiki, you can date at will!
  • It is wrong to charge for the Reiki session - There is no charge for donating Reiki energy, we charge for our time, for our dedication and hours of necessary study, for the space we prepare to receive people, travel, etc. All of this has a cost. You can have free sessions whenever you want and can, but it's not wrong to charge, and the truth is that the vast majority of people end up undervaluing the things that are offered to them for free.
  • Symbols are secret .- No! they can be visible and only have an effect on initiated people. If a person who is not initiated sees the symbol, nothing happens, it's just a drawing like any other.
  • Reiki has a need for physical touch - There is no need to touch. It is optional, but as a rule, even for the comfort of the customer, it is not usually touched. It doesn't hurt for people who are closer to us if we support our hands, it has the same effect and in that time we rest a bit. Customers can't imagine but keeping your hands suspended during an entire session is very tiring!
  • Reiki is the Devil's thing! - It's a belief and it's not even worth arguing with someone who has that kind of belief. Reiki is a good, neutral energy that has nothing to do with the Devil or anything else.
  • Reiki must be applied with eyes closed - It does not interfere with the passage of energy, it is optional, what happens is that possibly with eyes closed we are more concentrated on other sensations.
  • Pregnant women cannot receive Reiki - Reiki does not harm women or babies, but there is a caveat. Unfortunately, up to 3 months, it is common for many babies to get lost. For someone who is not so enlightened, they may think that this happened due to the Reiki session, imagine the gravity of this! That's why it's natural that many therapists prefer not to give sessions to pregnant women to avoid some kind of situation like this, despite Reiki being a clean, wonderful energy that doesn't hurt anything or anyone, on the contrary.
  • You have to wash your hands after a session. - For the sake of hygiene yes! but that's not what disconnects the power.
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