What does a Reiki session feel like?

If it is a face-to-face session or even at a distance but where the person knows the exact moment it is happening, and if they are calm and relaxed, several things can be felt during the session:

- heat

- cold

- anthill

- circulation of energy throughout the body

- levitation

- sleep due to relaxation

- increased emotions, which can even lead to crying

- etc

It may also happen that the recipient does not feel anything at all! This happens because people are different. There are people who are more sensitive than others. The more a person is focused on the rational, the less awake he will be to these physical and emotional sensations.

If a person goes to a session but the brain doesn't turn off, doesn't stop to think about what he has to do that day, the bills he has to pay, etc etc etc, he won't be attentive to the sensations. If, on the other hand, someone arrives at the session and relaxes, the possibility of feeling the energy is much greater.

Not feeling anything does not mean that you are not receiving the energy of Reiki, as I mentioned it is a matter of sensitivity, so everything is fine. The session will take effect in the same way, unless it is clear that the client has some kind of energy blockage, which is rare in those who a priori accepted or requested the session.

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