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Essential Oil 500ml - Cajaput

Essential Oil 500ml - Cajaput

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Latin name: Melaleuca CajuputiPart of the plant used: hojas and ramitasSource: IndonesiaExtraction method: steam distillationCajeput Essential Oil is used to treat colds, headaches and sore muscles. It is very effective in fighting against infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi, such as tetanus (bacteria), influenza (virus) and infectious diseases such as cholera and fiebre typhoid. to the insects. Its insecticidal properties are so strong that its diluted solution can be sprayed or vaporized with the help of a vaporizer to kill mosquitoes, ants and many other types of pests in homes. A diluted solution of cajuput oil can also be sprayed on the body to keep insects away. Just like eucalyptus oil, cajuput oil is also an expert decongestant and expectorant. As a decongestant, it provides immediate relief from congestion in the nose, throat and other respiratory organs, as well as for coughs, infections and inflammation resulting from the throat. It is naturally analgesic, which means it reduces it. sensation of pain. When applied locally, such as to an infected patient in case of sore throat or in case of headache. Apply soil in highly diluted solutions.

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